The bull, man and the myth


From pre historic age, man has demonstrated profound admiration for the animal kingdom and it has been represented in Rock Art, this interest is directly in relation to hunting, an activity from which man obtained part of its sustenance.

The bull being an animal of great being and bravery, belonging to the astrological wheel of the zodiac, is a good example of this veneration and respect, being rooted in the Lusitania culture( Portugal and Spain) through the “Festa Brava”, with many admirers and opposes.

Independently of the role that the animal may have in man’s life, in many archaic and present civilizations, it is considered to be a divine manifestation, also associated with the mythological concepts.

The myth of the Minotaur is maybe the most well-known which represents a man consumed by his own desires. In essence this corresponds to our interior conflict between our human and animal instincts.

This Mail art Call has as its main objective to explore the triplicate between the BULL, MAN and the MYTH.

p.s. for more information see the "convocatória/call" section on the navigation bar.

Becouse The International Union of Mail Artists (IUOMA) will celebrate 25 years of existence in 2013, this project is dedicated to this special date.


 COMA representa um novo coletivo artístico com base de operação em Portugal, tendo como "background" a Arte Postal. 

 Uma das razões de sua criação, deve-se ao facto de o movimento da Mail Art ser ainda muito obscuro em território Português, seus participantes e ativos representam um nicho muitíssimo reduzido de intervenientes.

COMA pretende ser um emancipador na divulgação cultural da Arte Postal entre portugueses no seu país materno, esclarecendo e aproximando artistas, curiosos e leigos, nesta movimento artístico que tem suas principais origens na década de 60.

COMA tem então como principal objetivo :

1- Fomentar a prática artística no mundo da Arte Postal , independentemente da idade, formação, área, conceitos filosóficos/religiosos e etnia de cada indivíduo.

2- Organizar eventos culturais e consequentemente exposições, tal como alicerçar projectos de ambito Nacional e Internacional.

3- Manter uma rede de contatos universal entre Mail Artists, disponibilizando suas moradas postais e espaços artísticos virtuais, caso sejam autorizados pelos mesmos.

4- Descodificar o percurso histórico e cronológico da Arte Postal em Portugal, estabelecendo assim uma base de dados para futuras consultas de membros e público em geral.

5- Conectar-se Internacionalmente com diferentes plataformas de Arte Postal existentes em outros Países, e criar parcerias culturais com as mesmas.

  Resumidamente, COMA será o elo de todos os presentes e futuros Artistas de Correio portugueses, estabelecendo um diálogo amigável, cordeal e descomplexado entre todos os "amantes" da Arte Postal.

COMA represents a new artistic collective with its operation base in Portugal, having Mail Art as “background”.

One of the reasons for its creation, due to the fact that the Mail Art movement is still very murky in portuguese territory, its participants and assets represent a very small niche of players.

COMA aims to be a cultural emancipatory diffuser on the portuguese Mail Art scene, clarifying and approaching artists, curious and laymen to this art that has its origins in the 60s.

COMA has the main objective:

1 - Promote the artistic practice regardless of age, education, area, philosophical, religious and ethnicity of each individual.

2 - Organizing cultural events and exhibitions, thus underpinning national and international projects.

3 - Maintain an Universal network of contacts between Mail Artists,providing their postal addresses and artistic virtual spaces, if authorized by them.

4 - Decoding the historical background and chronology of Mail Art in Portugal, establishing a database for future members reference and general public.

5 - Connect with different International Mail Art platforms, and creating cultural partnerships with the same.

Briefly, COMA will be the place of present and future portuguese Mail Artists, that will establish a cordial, friendly and uninhibited dialogue among all mail art "lovers".

Helder Coelho Dias (COMA President)


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