The bull, man and the myth


From pre historic age, man has demonstrated profound admiration for the animal kingdom and it has been represented in Rock Art, this interest is directly in relation to hunting, an activity from which man obtained part of its sustenance.

The bull being an animal of great being and bravery, belonging to the astrological wheel of the zodiac, is a good example of this veneration and respect, being rooted in the Lusitania culture( Portugal and Spain) through the “Festa Brava”, with many admirers and opposes.

Independently of the role that the animal may have in man’s life, in many archaic and present civilizations, it is considered to be a divine manifestation, also associated with the mythological concepts.

The myth of the Minotaur is maybe the most well-known which represents a man consumed by his own desires. In essence this corresponds to our interior conflict between our human and animal instincts.

This Mail art Call has as its main objective to explore the triplicate between the BULL, MAN and the MYTH.

p.s. for more information see the "convocatória/call" section on the navigation bar.

Becouse The International Union of Mail Artists (IUOMA) will celebrate 25 years of existence in 2013, this project is dedicated to this special date.

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

9# RAPHAEL'L (California-USA)

"Ghost Voice" (10,1x15,3cm) 2013
 Raphael'l is a new mail artist, she sent this wonderful mail art piece, a digital collage inside a very cool hand painted envelope with the following citation by the well known indian"Sitting Bull":

" It is through this mysterious power that we too have our being and we therefore yield to our neighbours, even our animal neighbours, the same right as ourselves, to inhabit this land. "

 Sitting Bull, whose name was Tatanka Iyotake, born in the Grand River region of present-day South Dakota in approximately 1831. His nickname was Hunkesi, meaning "Slow" because he never hurried and did everything with care. Sitting Bull was a member of the Sioux tribe, and he joined his first war party against the Crow at age 14. The Sioux fought against hostile tribes and white intruders. Soon, Sitting Bull became known for his fearlessness in battle. He was also generous and wise, virtues admired by his tribe.

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013


front (13,5x21cm) 2013
 Michel Della Vedova discovered mail art during the 2004 exhibition “Bouteille à la mer” in les Sables d’Olonne, since then he has worked as an active mail artist, and participated in many Internationel Mail Art Exhibitions. He works a lot with digital Photo Montage.

7# DAVID STONE (Baltimore-USA)

(27,3x21cm) 2013

 I could not find a personal website of  David, but i know that he embrace the mail art movement long time ago. He works with collage, drawing and also writing. To this call he sent this nice rough sketch with gold paint.

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013


"God is a bull;The Bull is a god" (29,5x20,3cm) 2013

"Chat noir qui s'imagine d'êre un taureau" (23x30,5cm; back envelope) 2013

 In the present days  there are some artists that embrace the mail art path with all dedication and passion, this is the case of Guido Vermeulen, a very active mail artist and also an organizer of this kind of exhibitions in is own country. Guido likes to work with painting and collage, and his work is influenced by the german expressionism art moviment, and also the european surrealism.

quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013


(15x10cm) 2013

 This great Digital Art work was sent by Klaus Pinter, an austriac artist that moves essencially on the sculpture and installation field, if you visit his website you can find there some amazing works. This peculiar and funny mail art piece is very interesting. The figure adopts a close pose that the "forcados" use in the "pega" (handling) of bull, where a group of eight men, challenge the bull directly without any protection or weapon of defence. The front man provokes the bull into a charge to perform a pega de cara or pega de caras (face grab), and secures the animal's head and is quickly aided by his fellows who surround and secure the animal until he is subdued.

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013


(29,6x21,1cm) 2013

 Guido Capuano is a prolific mail artist from Italy, his works are related to the FLUXUS art movement (developed as the 'anti-art' and anti-commercial aesthetics conceived by Lithuanian-born George Maciunas as an attempt to fuse cultural, social, & political revolutionaries into a united front and action). This nice felt pen and color pencil draw, reminds me a well know cubist painting...


front (15,3x10,2cm) 2013

 I dont know very well the work of Achille, but i have seen some of his contributions on other mail art calls. Digital Art was the technique used to create this nice mail art piece.

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013


front (10.5x15.3cm) 2013


Hundefaenger (Karl Rudi Domidian) is a Land-Art Artist from Deutschland (Germany), you can see some nice environment pieces on his website. He sent to this call this funny picture, the model i think is himself...

sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013


front (11,4x15,5cm-2013)


 Pedro Bericat is a very active mail artist. His works are very distinctive, he always creates two compositions in a single work, front and back. The Collage techinque are made through the use of different advertising papers, stamps, food etc., and the work itself is always enveloped by a layer of adhesive tape, giving the convenient protection to freely circulate through the postal service.

domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013

NEW Mail Art Call


 " Desde a pré-história, que o homem demonstrou a sua profunda admiração pelo Reino Animal. Sua representação é bem conhecida através da Arte Rupestre, tal interesse está directamente relacionado com caça, actividade pela qual obtinha parte de sua alimentação.
 O Touro sendo um animal de propenso porte e bravura, pertencente à roda astrológica do zodíaco, é um bom exemplo deste respeito e veneração, estando este muito enraizado na cultura Lusitânia (Portugal e Espanha) através da designada “Festa Brava”, contando esta com muitos adeptos e também opositores.
 Independentemente do papel que o animal tem na vida do homem, em muitas civilizações arcaicas e atuais, é considerado como uma manifestação do divino, bem como associado a um conceito mitológico.
 O mito do Minotauro é provavelmente um dos mais conhecidos, representando o ser humano consumido pelos seus próprios desejos. Na sua essência corresponde ao conflito entre o lado humano e bestial existente entre nós.
 Este Mail Art Call pretende assim, que seja explorado esta triplicidade entre o animal Touro, o Homem e o Mito. "

TÉCNICA: todas as técnicas são permitidas, desde que os suportes sejam possíveis de serem enviados por correio

FORMATO: sem restrições

- Sem júri, sem selecção, sem prémios, sem retornos.
- Cada participante pode enviar até dois trabalhos e deverá indicar, seu nome completo, morada postal, nacionalidade, email e web site caso existam. 
- Os participantes devem concordar com a reprodução de seus trabalhos em catálogos ou outro material didático, tal como na exposição pública dos mesmos por parte dos organizadores do evento. 
- Todos os trabalhos serão expostos, excluindo trabalhos racistas, xenófobos e que descriminem qualquer religião. 
- ATENÇÃO! NÃO SE ACEITAM reproduções de trabalhos que tenham sido enviadas para outros projectos de Arte Postal ou para Mail Artists, todos os trabalhos devem ser únicos e ORIGINAIS, devidamente assinados pelos seus autores.

EXPOSIÇÃO: os trabalhos serão expostos em Junho 2013 durante as Festas de Salvaterra de Magos, e irá estar patente ao público durante aproximadamente um mês. Estas festividades estão relacionadas com a comemoração do Foral cedido por D. Manuel em 1507, a D. Nuno (neto do Rei D. Duarte). Estas celebrações atraem milhares de pessoas a esta região de Portugal, e são bem conhecidas por :
- Largada de Touros na avenida principal
- Festival Internacional de Folclore
- Gastronomia tradicional
- Outros eventos culturais e música

p.s.-  Após o fim da exposição, existe a intenção de move-la para outros locais do destrito de Santarém e do concelho de Vila Franca de Xira, onde a tradição das largadas de touros está muito enraizada.

DOCUMENTAÇÃO: Será enviada para todos os participantes.Todos os trabalhos serão publicados no seguinte local:


LIMITE DE ENVIO: 4 de Junho, 2013

Todos os trabalhos devem ser enviados pelo Sistema Normal de Correios, com SELOS e carimbo, para a seguinte morada:

"COMA- The Bull, Man and the Myth"
Helder Coelho Dias
Rua Felicidade Páscoa, nº 48
2100-519 Fajarda (Coruche)